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Cecilia Stuart

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More action needed now on housing

June 27, 2022

We need real leadership to solve the housing affordability crisis.

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to today's meeting between Premier Ford and Mayor Tory where they discussed housing:

“We need real leadership to solve the housing affordability crisis.

Housing in Toronto and a growing number of cities across the province has become entirely unaffordable for most people.

Ontarians are spending hours everyday stuck in expensive, soul-crushing commutes. Taking time away from their families and friends, and creating more pollution.

Solving the housing crisis will require a range of policy solutions, but most experts agree that we need to build more homes that people can actually afford. And we need to build them without paving over the land that feeds us and protects us from extreme storms.

Ontario Greens’ have repeatedly provided solutions to create the supply we need in a way that protects nature and farmland from destructive and expensive sprawl, including:

  • Allowing for triplexes and fourplexes as of right in all neighbourhoods across the province.
  • Prezoning for midrise on transit corridors and main streets.
  • Requiring minimum densities along transit corridors as part of transit funding agreements between the province and municipalities.

We have solutions at our fingertips that don’t require more research, studies, and task forces. Let’s get to work.”
