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Schreiner once again calls on Ford to double ODSP rates immediately

June 23, 2022

Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner is once again calling on Premier Ford to immediately double Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) rates.

GUELPH — On the eve of a new cabinet being sworn in, Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner is once again calling on Premier Ford to immediately double Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) rates.

Please see the open letter Mike Schreiner sent to the Premier last week here.

GUELPH– On the eve of a new cabinet being sworn in, Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner is once again calling on Premier Ford to immediately double Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) rates.

“Inflation is skyrocketing, and life is simply unaffordable for the most vulnerable,” said Schreiner.

“People with disabilities deserve to be lifted out of legislated poverty. The Premier must listen to those in need and immediately double ODSP rates and tie all future increases to inflation.”

Last week, Schreiner penned an open letter to Premier Ford calling on his government to double Ontario Disability Support Program rates immediately.

“The 5% ODSP increase the Premier promised last month during the campaign is wholly insufficient to address the challenges people on ODSP are facing,” according to Schreiner. “The Premier has confirmed we will return to the Legislature this summer to pass the budget. It would be shameful if he does not provide immediate and meaningful support to those most in need.”

Schreiner’s open letter noted that while the cost of everything, including food, shelter and transportation, continues to increase, ODSP rates have remained flat at an unlivable $1,169/month.
