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What is Doug Ford hiding in the mandate letters?

May 19, 2022

Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to news that the Supreme Court will hear the case about access to Premier Doug Ford's mandate letters:

GUELPH — Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to news that the Supreme Court will hear the case about access to Premier Doug Ford's mandate letters:

“Why is Doug Ford afraid of being transparent and straightforward with the people of Ontario? What are they hiding?

From paving over the Greenbelt to ripping up EV charging stations, Doug Ford has attacked the province’s climate and environment since day one of his tenure. The people of Ontario deserve to know what direction Ford gave his Ministers.

Ford should have made the mandate letters transparent and public in the first place. And the fact that Doug Ford is wasting taxpayer dollars fighting this in the courts is inappropriate and wasteful.

I call on Ford to release the mandate letters and be transparent with Ontarians and let them know what direction you’ve given your ministers.”
