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Cecilia Stuart

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Doug Ford failing young people in climate fight by paving over their future

May 17, 2022

"Youth are on the front lines of the climate emergency,” Schreiner said. Schreiner was notably the only leader at last night’s debate to focus on the climate emergency and climate solutions.

TORONTO — “Youth are on the front lines of the climate emergency,” Schreiner said. Schreiner was notably the only leader at last night's debate to focus on the climate emergency and climate solutions.

Doug Ford’s plan is to pave over the farmland that feeds us and the wetlands that protect us. But what young people need is affordable homes, not highways.

The Ontario Green plan is to rapidly increase housing supply by building 1.5M homes without paving over nature. And the Ontario Greens will lower the voting age to 16 to empower youth voices in the fight against the climate emergency.

“If we want to build a livable future for our children, they need to have a seat at the table.”

Climate change is the top issue for many young Ontarians. As the world heats up, ice caps melt, climate-fuelled extreme weather becomes more frequent and severe, and health risks escalate, many young people are anxious and worried about their future.

“It’s now or never for climate action, and many young people are feeling climate dread,” Schreiner said. “But Doug Ford wants to pave over your children’s future, ramp up fossil fuels and pollute the air they breathe and the water they drink.”

Ontario Greens have a vision to build a more caring, healthy and climate-ready province. Where nature and water is protected and youth are given a voice and a say in the future they want.

Schreiner was joined at the announcement in University-Rosedale by local candidate and Deputy Leader Dianne Saxe.

“As the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, I saw first-hand Doug Ford’s systematic dismantling of environmental protections,” Saxe said. “He’s taking us on a path towards climate chaos. Only Ontario Greens have a real plan to stand up for our kids’ future and clean the air, protect the environment and crush climate pollution.”

“This is a vote for today and your future. Vote Green,” Schreiner said.
