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Cecilia Stuart

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Greens lead on doubling ODSP

May 14, 2022

Ontario NDP continue to follow the lead of the Ontario Greens.

TORONTO — Ontario NDP continue to follow the lead of the Ontario Greens.

  • September 2021: Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner calls on Doug Ford to double Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) rates
  • December 2021: Schreiner calls again on Doug Ford to double ODSP rates
  • March 2022: Schreiner calls on Doug Ford to double ODSP rates in Question Period twice in the same week
  • April 25, 2022: NDP release platform, commit to leaving people with disabilities in legislated poverty with an increase in ODSP rates of just 20% (an inflation-adjusted rate that’s lower than when Mike Harris left office in 2002)
  • May 12, 2022: Ontario Greens release fully-costed platform, with full commitment to immediately double ODSP rates and index further increases to inflation
  • May 14, 2022: NDP follows Ontario Greens’ lead and says they will double ODSP rates, but only in second year of mandate

Ontario Greens will continue to lead, and the NDP will continue to follow.

“If you want Green, vote Green.” Mike Schreiner said.
