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Ontario Greens will double ODSP rates
May 13, 2022

GUELPH — Today, Leader Mike Schreiner announced that Ontario Greens will immediately double Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) rates if elected. He was joined by Kitchener Centre candidate, Wayne Mak.
“It’s time to end legislated poverty in Ontario,” Schreiner said at the announcement in Guelph.
“Ontario Greens are committed to building a more caring and affordable province. Where people with disabilities don’t have to choose between putting food on the table or keeping a roof over their head.”
While the cost of everything, including food, shelter and transportation, continues to increase, ODSP rates stay flat at an unlivable $1,169.
“People with disabilities have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and are feeling the brunt of the current cost of living crisis,” Schreiner said. “Ontario Greens are the only party with a real plan to end legislated poverty in the province.”
Ontario Greens will continue to lead the way on supporting people with disabilities, while the other parties offer up either no measures or half measures. The Liberals are offering up a meager 10% increase, the NDP 20%, and the PCs 5%.
All three parties support inflation-adjusted ODSP rates that are lower than when Mike Harris left office in 2002.
“I know that the people of Ontario care, and they share my disgust that people with disabilities are forced to live in legislated poverty. Poverty costs Ontario $33 billion per year. We cannot afford to wait any longer to fix this.”
“Ontario Greens have new solutions to old problems.”