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Ontario Greens launch fully-costed platform The Green Plan: New solutions to old problems

May 12, 2022

Today, Leader Mike Scheriner launched The Green Plan: New solutions to old problems ahead of the June election.

TORONTO — Today, Leader Mike Schreiner launched The Green Plan: New solutions to old problems ahead of the June election.

“Our vision is for the Ontario we all want — caring, connected, and ready for the new climate economy,” Schreiner said at the announcement in Toronto alongside Deputy Leaders Dianne Saxe and Abhijeet Manay. “And with our full slate of strong, diverse candidates, we have the leadership ready to deliver on it.”

“We need new solutions to the decades-long problems that the old-line parties have simply failed to solve.”

The Green Plan includes 6 key priorities:

  1. Homes not highways
  2. Mental health is health
  3. New Climate Economy
  4. Respect for People and Workers
  5. Reinvest in health and education
  6. Protect nature

“The half measures of the other parties will only paper over the cracks in Ontario’s foundation,” Schreiner said. “We have to act now to tackle housing affordability, address the climate emergency and improve our health. We cannot afford to wait.”

Please find the full platform at: gpo.ca/platform
