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Cecilia Stuart

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Ontario Greens will prioritize workers’ mental health

May 1, 2022

Mike Schreiner made the following statement for International Workers' Day:

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner made the following statement for International Workers' Day:

“On International Workers’ Day I want to thank all the workers who keep Ontario running, help us get around, stock the grocery shelves so that we can put food on the table, educate our children and care for our loved ones.

They deserve our thanks.

But we need more than words, we need action. After a difficult two years of the pandemic, many workers are burnt out and overworked, with some even suffering from severe conditions like PTSD.

Ontario Greens will ensure all workers have affordable access to the mental health care they need by covering mental health and addictions care under OHIP.

Mental health is health. And it should be properly treated and funded in the same way physical health is.”
