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Cecilia Stuart

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Is Doug Ford hiding the truth on the cost of Ontario gas plants?

April 18, 2022

Is Doug Ford hiding the truth on the cost of Ontario gas plants?

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to reports and documents that raise questions about the true cost of shutting down Ontario's gas plants:

“Doug Ford needs to come clean on the financial and environmental costs of his plan to ramp up gas plants.

According to one of the scenarios included in the newly uncovered documents from the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), getting off climate-polluting gas plants could save Ontario ratepayers up to a cumulative $2 billion per year. But it seems like Doug Ford would rather Ontarians not know that important information, as this scenario was excluded from the IESO report.

We’re in a climate emergency and need to do everything possible to urgently crush climate pollution. Getting off fossil fuels will make life more affordable and make the air cleaner, which will improve health for Ontarians.

It begs the question: why isn’t the truth on gas plants being made available? Is Doug Ford hiding something, again?

According to the Clean Air Alliance, climate and air pollution from Ontario gas plants will increase by 375% by 2030 and over 600% by 2040 under Doug Ford’s plans.

This is completely unacceptable.

Ontario Greens are committed to crushing climate pollution by aiming to phase out expensive gas plants by 2030 and doubling Ontario’s electricity supply with cheaper renewables and storage.”

For more information: gpo.ca/climate/energy
