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Cecilia Stuart

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Ontario Liberals fail to stand up against Ford’s bill to increase fossil fuel consumption

April 13, 2022

We’re in a climate emergency, but today the Ontario Liberals refused to vote against Doug Ford’s gas tax bill that will support fossil fuel consumption.

QUEEN'S PARK — We're in a climate emergency, but today the Ontario Liberals refused to vote against Doug Ford's gas tax bill that will support fossil fuel consumption.

Just last week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a chilling report, making it clear that it’s “now or never” to get off fossil fuels and take urgent climate action.

Ford’s gas tax bill will support increasing fossil fuel consumption, pumping more climate pollution into the air. It’s extremely disappointing the Liberals didn’t vote against it.

“The way to save people money is by getting Big Oil out of our pockets,” Ontario Green leader Mike Schreiner said. “But Doug Ford wants to lock Ontario into an expensive, dirty future based on urban sprawl, long commutes, and increased fossil fuel consumption.”

Ontario Greens have put forward real solutions to make life more affordable, including:

  • Immediately cut public transit fares in half, and invest in better and more accessible transit
  • Build connected, livable, affordable communities where people can live, work, play and shop locally
  • Make electric cars, trucks and bikes affordable for the average person
  • Permanently slash energy bills through a green retrofit program

“Ontario Greens will continue to lead the way on addressing the climate emergency, and putting forward real solutions to addressing the cost of living and affordability crisis here in Ontario,” Schreiner said.
