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Shefaza Esmail nominated as Ontario Greens candidate in Waterloo

March 30, 2022

Shefaza Esmail, GPO Candidate for Waterloo

WATERLOO — The Green Party of Ontario is proud to announce that Shefaza Esmail has been nominated as its candidate for Waterloo ahead of the 2022 provincial election.

Esmail currently teaches in the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability at the University of Waterloo. She has a background in environmental engineering, a Ph.D. in Environment Resources and Sustainability.

“Shefaza brings a wealth of knowledge in environment and sustainability to the Ontario Greens team,” Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner said. “She is a qualified expert who can help translate the latest engineering and science into real policy action at Queen’s Park.”

“My academic pursuits have led me on a path of learning about environmental sustainability and the importance of protecting the land, water and air,” said Esmail. “To make sound decisions about stewardship and protecting these life-giving resources, we need to collaborate to put forward evidence-based policies. The Ontario Greens provide the perfect platform to not only voice these concerns but make actionable impact.”

Esmail also works with the BrainSTEM Alliance, where she shares STEM knowledge with youth in engaging workshops. In her free time, she also enjoys rock climbing, exploring through local travel, and volunteering within the Ismaili community.
