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Cecilia Stuart

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It’s about time an affordable child-care deal was signed

March 28, 2022

Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to news that an affordable child-care deal between the Ford government and the federal government has finally been signed:

QUEEN'S PARK — Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to news that an affordable child-care deal between the Ford government and the federal government has finally been signed:

“Today is a victory for the parents and advocates who pushed the Ford government to finally sign an affordable child-care deal.

But it begs the question: what took Doug Ford so long?

Affordability challenges are hitting Ontario families hard. Affordable child care was needed months ago. But instead, Ford dragged it out and played the blame game, while other provinces and territories leaped ahead and made deals happen.

Ontario parents paid the price for Ford’s delay. They’ve already missed out on at least three months of fee relief while other provinces reduced fees by at least 25 per cent retroactive to January 1st.

To make this deal work, Ontario must also ensure that childcare workers are paid a fair wage so we have the staff needed to open more affordable spaces for families.

Ontario should be leading, not lagging.”
