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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner doubles down on call for ODSP raise as Doug Ford stands stubborn

March 8, 2022

Mike Schreiner rose in the House to call on the Premier to double the rates of the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).

QUEEN'S PARK — Mike Schreiner rose in the House to call on the Premier to double the rates of the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP):

“Yesterday, I asked whether Doug Ford would commit to doubling ODSP rates.

And his government in so many words said ‘NO’, they would not bring people with disabilities who are unable to work above the poverty line.

ODSP advocates say they feel like they are being punished for being born disabled, like they ‘have committed some kind of crime’.

I’m calling on Doug Ford to treat people with disabilities with the dignity they deserve, stop forcing them to live in poverty, and double the rates of ODSP.”
