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Cecilia Stuart

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Ontario Greens kick off spring legislative sitting with call for expanded OHIP mental health coverage

February 22, 2022


QUEEN’S PARK – As his first act of the spring sitting, Ontario Green Leader Mike Schreiner will table a new legislative motion calling for mental health services under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) to be significantly expanded.

Research shows that the pandemic has had a huge impact on Ontarians’ mental health. And many are struggling to access and pay for the care they need.

“It’s safe to say that everything is not ok,” Schreiner said in a news conference this morning. “Mental health is health and should be covered under OHIP in the same way physical health is.”

For too long, mental health care has been an afterthought for the Ontario government. And the crisis is getting worse under Doug Ford’s watch.

“Lack of affordable care is hurting Ontarians’ wallets and wait times are getting worse,” Schreiner stated.

“Mental health care needs to be affordable and accessible. It needs to be a priority. Not just something in the footnotes of budget bills”

Schreiner will officially table the motion in the House this afternoon.
