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Cecilia Stuart

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Protect the Great Lakes and close down Line 5

February 17, 2022

Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to a new report that shows closing down the Line 5 pipeline would not trigger an energy crisis:


TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to a new report that shows closing down the Line 5 pipeline would not trigger an energy crisis:

“As the only party to vote against Ford’s motion to support pipelines, Ontario Greens urge the Premier to seek safer alternatives to Line 5 and put forward a plan to phase out fossil fuels.

A new report from Environmental Defence is clear that closing down Line 5 will not result in an energy crisis, despite what the other political parties in Ontario might think.

Extending the lifeline of a deteriorating pipeline that is 15 years past its best before date without a safety plan is an extremely risky and shortsighted decision.

Line 5 has already spilled 29 times over the past 53 years. Another spill would be absolutely devastating to Ontario’s environment and economy.

The Great Lakes provide drinking water to over 35 million people and support more than 1.3 million jobs that generate $82 billion in wages annually.

It’s time to protect the Great Lakes, protect water and move towards a clean, green future instead of Doug Ford’s expensive fossil future.”
