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Cecilia Stuart

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Doug Ford’s inaction hurt businesses, workers and Ontario families

February 11, 2022

Ford’s inaction for the past two weeks has caused undue suffering on the people and workers of Ottawa and Windsor, small businesses, healthcare and other frontline workers.


TORONTO — Mike Schreiner made the following statement ahead of Doug Ford’s announcement:

“The fact that the Premier has waited two weeks to help Ontarians is inexcusable.

On Monday I called for an emergency return to Queen’s Park so we could all work together collaboratively on a solution to the occupation of Ottawa and the blockade of the border.

But Ford has refused to work across party and jurisdictional lines, snubbing the trilateral meetings with the feds and Ottawa and ignoring requests for a cross-partisan approach.

Ford’s inaction for the past two weeks has caused undue suffering on the people and workers of Ottawa and Windsor, small businesses, healthcare and other frontline workers. And the impact of the blockade on the supply chain is making life even less affordable for Ontarians.

This failure in leadership cannot continue. Ford needs an all hands on deck approach, bringing all parties together. Let’s do the work that Ontario families expect and deserve.”
