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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner calls for doubling of ODSP rates

December 15, 2021

Ontario Greens continue to call on the Premier to double the rates for the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).


TORONTO — Mike Schreiner made the following statement on ODSP:

“The cost of living is skyrocketing, inflation rates are going up. So why aren’t social-assistance rates too?

Ontario Greens continue to call on the Premier to double the rates for the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).

Persons with disabilities have been asking for help during COVID, struggling to survive on a maximum of $1,169 a month — all while the price of food and housing is going through the roof.

Over the past year, the cost of shelter has gone up 4.8 per cent, and food is up 3.9 per cent.

And we know persons with disabilities have borne a disproportionate burden of the pandemic.

Ontarians shouldn’t have to choose between paying their rent or putting food on the table. The situation is dire.

Yet Ford cut a planned 3% increase in ODSP benefits in half shortly after forming government and has not increased them during the pandemic.

I’m calling on the Premier to do the right thing and double the ODSP rates.”
