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Ontario must reverse course on ramping up gas plants

November 25, 2021

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner rose in the House to call on Doug Ford to stop ramping up gas plants

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner rose in the House to call on Doug Ford to stop ramping up gas plants:

“This week’s Auditor General report made it clear that the government is not on track to meeting its weak GHG reduction targets.

We’re in a climate emergency. Climate-driven disasters are accelerating and intensifying. We must reverse course immediately.

And the most practical and efficient way to crush climate pollution is to electrify transportation, industry and building heat.

For this to work, we need a clean grid.

But the government is making the grid dirtier by ramping up gas plants, which would increase climate pollution by 400%.

I’m calling on the government to invest in cleaner and lower cost alternatives instead.

Doug Ford’s hostility to clean energy is also hurting our economy. Made-in-Ontario cleantech companies are locking in contracts abroad because the Premier is turning his back on the green economy.

So let’s clean the air, improve people’s health, and embrace the green economy by investing in clean energy instead of more climate-polluting gas plants.”

You can find Mike’s full question from today here: https://youtu.be/tIuD3qAisUc
