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Cecilia Stuart

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If Doug Ford truly cared about workers, he’d raise the minimum wage by more than 10 cents

October 25, 2021

But if Ford truly cared about supporting workers, he would raise the minimum wage to help reduce the financial stress that impacts Ontario's workers.

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to Minister McNaughton's press conference this morning:


QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to Minister McNaughton’s press conference this morning:

“It’s encouraging that the government is finally taking steps to address the mental health of workers with the legislation announced today.

But if Ford truly cared about supporting workers, he would raise the minimum wage to help reduce the financial stress that impacts so many workers and their families.

Throughout the pandemic, the PC government has failed to adequately address the needs of frontline workers.

Frontline workers have cared for our loved ones and helped ensure we have food on the table.

But Doug Ford’s way of saying thank you is to raise the minimum wage by just 10 cents — all while housing and other fundamental necessities become more and more unaffordable.

I’m calling on Doug Ford to step up and actually support workers by raising the minimum wage by more than 10 cents.”
