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Mike Schreiner’s statement on today’s Global Climate Strike

September 24, 2021

Rallies like today’s Global Climate Strike is a symbol of just how much of a difference we can make when we work together to demand climate action.


Watch Mike Schreiner’s message

GUELPH — Mike Schreiner released the following statement on today’s Global Climate Strike:

“Today is the Global Climate Strike. And as people from around the globe rally together to demand stronger climate action from our governments, I’m inspired by the youth in Ontario, Canada and across the world who have the courage to speak out and demand urgent action.

We know that we are running out of time to reduce climate pollution and bring global temperatures down before we cause irreversible damage from climate change.

Status quo governments are failing to act with the urgency needed.

But rallies like today’s Global Climate Strike is a symbol of just how much of a difference we can make when we work together to demand climate action.

In Ontario, this means putting an end to government-funded support for the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure, electrifying our transportation, protecting farmland and wetlands, retrofitting our homes, stopping sprawl and building livable and affordable 15 minute communities.

We have the tools, resources and the means to do it. We simply need the political will to act.

It’s time for our governments to take the climate emergency seriously. And to urgently act on solutions.

If this message resonates with you, add your voice to the climate conversation.

Join me in challenging the status quo at Queen’s Park and let’s create a better planet for the people of today and for future generations.”
