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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner condemns planned hospital protests

September 13, 2021

Protests are an important part of democracy in Ontario and Canada. But that does not extend to threatening the health and safety of patients and workers.


TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the news of protests planned at hospitals today:

“Hospitals have been crucial in the fight against COVID-19 and health-care workers have been working nonstop to save lives.

It is unacceptable that people angry with government decisions are now descending upon hospitals in protest. Hospitals are not the place to protest government decisions.

It puts patients at risk and is extremely disrespectful to the health-care workers that already sacrifice so much to take care of us and our loved ones.

Protests are an important part of democracy in Ontario and Canada.

But that does not extend to threatening the health and safety of patients and workers. We are still in the midst of a pandemic and patients entering and exiting hospitals are some of the most immunocompromised individuals. This is very serious and it needs to stop.

Take it to Queen’s Park, or City Hall, take it to your local elected official’s office. But please do not protest outside of hospitals. It’s dangerous, disrespectful, and putting lives at risk.”
