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Cecilia Stuart

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Bill 197 court decision a win for environment and Ontarians

September 8, 2021

We’re in a climate emergency, yet Doug Ford is willing to violate the rights of Ontarians to harm nature and accelerate climate change.

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the news that Bill 197 failed to comply with the public consultation requirements of Ontario's Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR).


TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the news that Bill 197 failed to comply with the public consultation requirements of Ontario’s Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR).

“The court decision ruling Bill 197 in violation of the Environmental Bill of Rights is a win for the environment and the people of Ontario.

Ontarians have a right to participate in government decision-making that impacts the environment.

By violating Ontarians’ environmental rights, Doug Ford has not only broken the law but has also made it clear that he will put his pro-sprawl, pro-developer agenda above all else.

This court decision is another episode in Ford’s anti-environmental saga at Queen’s Park.

Through controversial legislation, he’s giving developers the green light to rip up farmland, pave over wetlands and supercharge urban sprawl.

That’s not the way forward for Ontario.

We’re in a climate emergency, yet Doug Ford is willing to violate the rights of Ontarians to harm nature and accelerate climate change. It’s unacceptable. Especially at a time when urgent climate action is needed to avoid the impending climate catastrophe the IPCC is predicting.

Ontario Greens will continue to lead the way at Queen’s Park against Ford’s environmentally destructive policies.”
