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Ford still delaying on climate promises from 2018
August 16, 2021

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to news that the Ford government's carbon trust has still yet to launch:
TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to news that the Ford government’s carbon trust has still yet to launch:
“Three years ago Doug Ford rolled out a made-to-fail climate plan after dismantling Ontario’s climate policies.
The signature piece of Ford’s so-called plan was an unproven carbon trust scheme. The fact that this scheme has still not yet seen the light of day tells you everything you need to know about Ford’s disregard for the need to act urgently on the climate emergency.
To Doug Ford, climate action is an afterthought and something to be ignored.
You’d think that the fires and floods or the recent I.P.C.C. report predicting climate catastrophe would act as a wake-up call for Ford, but he is still asleep at the switch.
If we want to avoid the worst of the climate crisis, we need real solutions that acknowledge the dire emergency facing us.
We need meaningful climate action like putting a price on pollution. And embracing the green economy by investing in renewables, electrifying transportation and buildings, and making Ontario a global leader in clean tech innovation.
Delaying action is not an option. We need to act now. Ontario Greens have real and impactful climate solutions, unlike the government’s made-to-fail plan that isn’t even up and running.”