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Greens support funding for identification of residential school burial sites

June 15, 2021

residential school graves funding

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to news of funding for the identification of residential school burial sites:

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to news of funding for the identification of residential school burial sites:

“I support today’s announcement of provincial funding to support Indigenous-led searches for lost children at residential school sites in Ontario.

We need more than just words to address the horrors of residential schools and it is a good first step that this government is taking tangible action.

It’s vital we take collective action to address the atrocious legacy of residential schools and the colonialism and racism that still perpetuates today.

And it is vital that Indigenous communities are the ones leading the identification and commemoration of Indian residential school burial sites.

I sincerely hope that the $10 million promised over three years to fund the search and identification of burial sites is not capped or finite.

If more funding is needed over the next three years to conduct these searches, then it should be provided by the government.

We need a full non-partisan commitment to tackling the systemic racism and colonialism that perpetuates in our society as we work towards Reconciliation.

And I hope today’s announcement is the start of a full effort to work together to address the crimes of residential schools and the racism and colonialism that continues in our society today.”
