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Cecilia Stuart

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Ford abdicating responsibility on schools

May 27, 2021

back to school

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to Ford's letter on schools:

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to Ford’s letter on schools:

“By insisting on everyone coming to a ‘consensus’ on schools, Doug Ford is fully abdicating his responsibility as Premier and failing children.

Being Premier isn’t about being popular. It’s about making the tough decisions. But Ford continues to punt responsibility when it matters most.

And unfortunately, this time it’s kids that are losing out.

It’s not ok to play political dodgeball with the wellbeing of children.

They’ve suffered so much these past 15 months, and many kids are at a breaking point.

But clearly, Doug Ford doesn’t care.

What Ford needs to do is step up and make the necessary investments so schools are safe for students, staff and teachers. Investments in:

  • improving ventilation
  • implementing robust rapid testing and adequate PPE
  • fully vaccinating teachers and support staff
  • lowering class sizes

The resources and tools are there to make schools safe so kids can get back in the classroom.

But instead, Ford insists on asking others to make the decision for him.

Kids deserve to be back in the classroom, and Doug Ford has failed them.”

