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Ford needs to get moving on Northern Ontario transit
May 25, 2021

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to today’s announcement on the Northeastern Passenger Rail:
“I welcome today’s announcement on the Northeastern Passenger Rail. The transit needs of the North have long been ignored, and it’s about time the government started to address this important issue.
But according to Ford’s plan, train service won’t begin until the middle of this decade at the earliest.
Greyhound’s recent shutdown exposed the huge gaps in interregional transit in Ontario, leaving many Ontarians — particularly lower-income individuals, students, those in rural and remote areas and First Nations communities — out of options.
These people can’t wait half a decade.
Instead of re-announcing what was already announced in the March budget, I’m calling on Premier Ford to get to work, make interregional transit a priority and provide northern communities with the transit options they deserve.”