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Cecilia Stuart

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Safe outdoor recreation facilities should be open

May 4, 2021

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding safe outdoor recreation facilities:


QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding safe outdoor recreation facilities:

“Premier Ford needs to reverse course and open safe outdoor recreation facilities.

The Science Table is clear: policies that discourage safe outdoor activity will not limit the spread of COVID-19, and will disproportionately harm children and those who do not have access to their own greenspace.

Many Ontarians live in more crowded housing — not everyone has the privilege of a backyard.

It’s an issue of equity as well as mental health.

We need to encourage safe, outdoor activity that keeps people physically and mentally well.

Instead of stopping people from safely spending time outdoors, Ford needs to focus on keeping workplaces safe, which is where the majority of COVID spread occurs and what the Science Table is advising.

So I’m calling on the Premier to get his priorities straight: follow the science, make workplaces safe, and reopen safe outdoor recreation facilities.”
