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Cecilia Stuart

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Ford taking us backwards on renewables

April 26, 2021

Now is the time to build back smarter with a Green recovery focusing on good, clean jobs and low-cost renewable energy.


QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the government’s proposal to eliminate renewable energy requirements:

“Even in the middle of a pandemic, Ford still has time to push his anti-environmental, climate-denying agenda.

It is simply wrong that we have a government so opposed to renewable energy, especially now that the price for renewables is so low.

Clean energy isn’t just the future, it’s the present: it’s cheaper, more feasible and more accessible than ever before.

But instead, Ford is taking us backwards by embracing high-cost, dirty sources of electricity such as ramping up gas power plants — a move that will increase climate pollution by 300%.

Ford is playing politics in the face of sound economics and science. It’s illogical, short-sighted and senseless.

Now is the time to build back smarter with a Green recovery focusing on good, clean jobs and low-cost renewable energy. It’s smart for the health of people, the economy, and the planet.

I’m calling on the Premier to reverse course on this backward proposal.”
