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Cecilia Stuart

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Protect workers during stay-at-home order

April 7, 2021

Unless frontline workers have paid sick leave and paid time off to get vaccinated, any kind of stay-at-home order won’t be as effective.


QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding reports of a province-wide stay-at-home order:

“Unless frontline workers have paid sick leave and paid time off to get vaccinated, any kind of stay-at-home order won’t be as effective.

To reduce community spread of COVID-19 we need to make workplaces safer. It’s time the Premier understood this.

This includes immediately rolling out vaccinations for adults in hotspot regions, especially essential workers in those areas who are working tirelessly to ensure our supply chains remain intact.

We owe it to them to do everything possible to protect them and their families.

It’s been a long, difficult year for Ontarians.

And Ford has an opportunity to finally get things right: implement a proper stay-at-home order and provide critical support to people and small businesses so they are actually able to stay home.

Premier, now’s the time. Do the right thing.”
