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Cecilia Stuart

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Supreme Court decision confirms Ford is on the wrong side of history

March 25, 2021

Schreiner: "If the Premier thinks he can do a better job than a national strategy then I invite him to implement his own carbon pricing program."

QUEEN'S PARK — Mike Schreiner made the following the Supreme Court decision on the carbon tax lawsuit:


QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner made the following the Supreme Court decision on the carbon tax lawsuit:

“This $30 million lawsuit was a politically motivated waste of public dollars.

Proceeding with this lawsuit was more proof that Doug Ford denies the urgent need to take the climate emergency seriously.

Chief Justice Wagner’s words should send a clear message to the Premier. The threat of climate change is so great that a national approach is necessary.

I’m calling on the Premier to stop wasting our hard-earned tax dollars sabotaging climate solutions with stickers that don’t stick and politically motivated lawsuits.

Greens will continue to push for urgent climate action. If we’ve learned anything from the COVID pandemic, it is the need to listen to and act on the science when confronted with a crisis. And the climate crisis is at our doorstep.”
