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Schreiner: Cancel 413 to fund mental health and green retrofits

March 23, 2021

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TORONTO — This morning, Mike Schreiner renewed his calls for Premier Ford to cancel Highway 413 and to not fund the reckless project in tomorrow's budget.


QUEEN’S PARK — This morning, Mike Schreiner renewed his calls for Premier Ford to cancel Highway 413 and to not fund the reckless project in tomorrow’s budget.

“Instead of wasting $10 billion on a highway we don’t need, we can use that money to invest in a four year, $4 billion mental health plan, and a $5 billion green building retrofit program,” he said.

Schreiner first raised the issue of Highway 413 in the legislature last July, and has repeatedly questioned Ford’s insistence to push through the environmentally destructive and fiscally irresponsible project.

He welcomed that other parties are now starting to follow the Green Party’s lead.

Schreiner highlighted both the mental health and climate crises that are barrelling down on Ontario as key issues that must be urgently addressed in tomorrow’s budget.

“I’m calling on the Ford government to stop wasting time and money on reckless and irresponsible development projects,” Schreiner concluded, “and to instead prioritize investments in helping people and businesses survive the pandemic and get back to work in a way that addresses the economic, mental health, and climate crises.”
