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Green Party welcomes Pickering’s decision
March 12, 2021

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to Mayor Ryan’s statement that development on the Lower Duffins Creek wetland should be paused:
“I fully welcome Mayor Ryan’s decision to pause all development on the Lower Duffins Creek wetland.
It is vital that we preserve our wetlands, which play such an important role in protecting us from flooding, cleaning our water, providing habitat to wildlife, and protecting the Great Lakes.
We have already lost 75% of our wetlands in southern Ontario. We cannot lose more.
Our wetlands, Greenbelt, watersheds and farmland are our natural infrastructure and we have a responsibility to protect them so they can protect us.
I will not back down in my fight to protect people and the places we love.
Doug Ford needs to stop his attack on our environment. He needs to cancel this MZO and restore power to Conservation Authorities so they are not forced to grant development permits under duress.
It shouldn’t have to take both Amazon and Pickering backing away from this development for the government to not pave over wetlands.
I want to thank all the people, organizations and First Nations who are working so hard to protect the Lower Duffins Creek wetland. We owe you our gratitude.”