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Cecilia Stuart

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Protecting our natural infrastructure

February 16, 2021

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TORONTO — Mike Schreiner made the following statement on the start of the new Legislative session:


QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner made the following statement on the start of the new Legislative session:

“Under the veil of the pandemic last year, the Premier made a series of reckless decisions that endangered our natural infrastructure.

The sell off of farmland, forests, and watersheds will cost us.

It threatens people’s property, infrastructure and communities.

That’s why, as the new Legislative session begins, I am committing to fighting for people and the places we love. This starts by restoring power to Conservation Authorities and repealing Schedule 6.

Ontarians made it clear last fall that they do not agree with Ford’s decision to take away the power of Conservation Authorities to prevent flooding and protect our water.

Whether it is blocking access to destroying the Duffins Creek Wetland or speaking out against fast-tracking the GTA West Highway, Ontarians recognize that they will foot the bill for Ford’s reckless plan to pave over the places we love.

Greens have been at the forefront of calling out Doug Ford on his unrelenting attacks on environmental protections, and we will not back down now. We will continue to fight to preserve our wetlands and farmland.”
