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Cecilia Stuart

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Holland Marsh Highway plan needs a rethink

February 8, 2021

The Holland Marsh is one of the most fertile areas in the country and is essential for our food security. Ford’s attack on farmland and wetlands must end.

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding the Ford government's Holland Marsh Highway plans:


TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding the Ford government’s Holland Marsh Highway plans:

“Premier Ford’s reckless attack on farmland and wetlands must end.

The Holland Marsh is one of the most fertile areas in the country and is essential for Ontario’s food security.

But the Premier wants to pave over 39 hectares of precious wetlands and send chemical runoff into Lake Simcoe.

His plan could also cause significant groundwater contamination and put natural wildlife at risk.

Unfortunately, this is what we’ve come to expect from Doug Ford— complete disregard for environmental laws that protect people and property.

Basing decisions on an Environmental Assessment from 1997 is grossly inadequate.

I call on the government to halt their plans for the Holland Marsh Highway until a proper EA is completed.

And I restate my call for Premier Ford to restore the crucial role of Conservation Authorities and repeal Schedule 6.”
