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Cecilia Stuart

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In times of crisis we must work across party lines

January 25, 2021

Thousands have signed the Green Party’s petition to Premier Ford imploring him to restore paid sick days. Paid sick days are essential for workers.


QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in regards to working across party lines for paid sick days:

“Paid sick days for workers is vital, especially during a public health crisis.

It is wrong that workers in Ontario do not have this protection. And they are forced to choose between their health and paying the bills when they are sick.

Over the past month thousands have signed the Green Party’s petition to Premier Ford imploring him to restore paid sick days.

I’m eager to work across party lines to legislate 10 provincially paid sick days for Ontarians. And I call on the Premier to bring back the legislature now so that we can get it done.

Paid sick days are essential to reducing the spread of Covid and safely reopening our economy and communities.”
