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Cecilia Stuart

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Majority of Ontarians support more power for Cities

January 6, 2021

Ford needs to stop his attack on local democracy and pay attention to the will of Ontarians.

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding the recent EKOS poll on cities:

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding the recent EKOS poll on cities:

“Since taking office Doug Ford has consistently undermined local democracy.

From cutting city council numbers in the middle of an election to ending ranked ballots, Ford’s attacks on local democracy have been relentless.

The EKOS poll results released today by Charter City Toronto, shows that a majority of Ontarians want more power for cities, control of local elections and more revenue sources so that cities can do more for residents.

The ongoing pandemic has placed a huge financial strain on municipalities. Recovery for cities cannot be solely dependent upon raising property taxes. Municipalities need more revenue sources to fund the services so many people need and to kickstart economic recovery.

This is a time when the Province needs to be stepping up its support for municipalities.

I encourage Doug Ford to pay heed to the EKOS poll results and acknowledge the will of Ontarians by ending his attacks on local democracy and supporting more powers for municipalities.”
