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Municipalities need support
December 11, 2020

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner made the following statement regarding the funding gap facing municipalities in 2021:
TORONTO — Mike Schreiner made the following statement regarding the funding gap facing municipalities in 2021:
“Yesterday, the Financial Accountability Officer identified a $2.4 billion shortfall projected for Ontario municipalities in 2021.
Let’s be clear – there will be no recovery if the province doesn’t support municipalities.
The province must step up, while also working with the federal government, to ensure there is urgent financial support.
We can’t dig ourselves out of this hole on the property tax base.
In May, I echoed the call of AMO and FCM for urgent financial relief. I repeated these calls for action in August at the AMO conference.
I support yesterday’s call from the Ontario Big City Mayors to have all levels of government work together to address the funding gap.
I urge the Ford government to do its share now. Waiting to act will only make things worse for municipalities and the people they serve.”