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Cecilia Stuart

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Another Failing Grade: Ford was sitting on his heels and on $12B in the summer

December 8, 2020

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TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to today’s report from the Financial Accountability Office:

“The Ford government failed to make the investments needed to prepare Ontario for the second wave of Covid-19.

The Financial Accountability Office report confirms that the government had $12 billion in unspent pandemic funds as of September 30.

This at a time when Ontario was struggling to keep up with testing demand, long term care homes were struggling to hire and retain staff, and schools did not have enough educators to reduce class sizes.

Ford’s approach is penny wise and pound foolish.

He wasted the summer by failing to prepare for the second wave.

And now Ontario is playing catch up with a virus that is spreading at record levels.

Small businesses, frontline healthcare workers, students, educators and families are paying the price for Ford’s inaction over the summer.

We all deserve better.”
