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Cecilia Stuart

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Statement from Dianne Saxe on Auditor General Report

November 18, 2020

What we are seeing is an unrelenting effort to undermine the natural systems on which our lives depend

TORONTO, ON — Green Party of Ontario Deputy Leader, Dianne Saxe, released the following statement in reaction to the Auditor General report:

“This report shows the government is totally at odds with its own environmental laws and responsibilities. None of the beautiful places we love are safe.

The fact that the Ministry of Environment is the chief rule breaker of the Environmental Bill of Rights sums up everything about this government.

Instead of leading by example, the Ministry of Environment is leading by misconduct.

The suspension of the Environmental Bill of Rights during the pandemic was suspicious and now the Auditor General has given us proof that it was unjustified.

The government is using the pandemic as cover to push through projects that benefit rich developers at the cost of all of us.

This government is selling off our forests, farmland and wetlands to rich developers, and even parks and protected areas are not actually being protected.

We know that action on climate change and energy efficiency can generate prosperity and new careers. Instead, the Conservatives only pretend to have a climate plan.

If we invested even a fraction of the taxpayer money being given to big companies for electricity subsidies into the energy efficiency programs this government cancelled, we could create new careers and make our whole society healthier.

What we’re seeing is a continuous and unrelenting effort to undermine and destroy everything that protects the natural systems on which our lives depend.

I’m frightened. You should be too.”
