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Cecilia Stuart

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Mike Schreiner asks province to reject request for zoning order in Durham

October 29, 2020

the Minister must reject this reckless request to pave over the natural areas that prevent flooding

QUEEN’S PARK — In question period today, Green Party of Ontario leader Mike Schreiner asked the province to turn down a request for a Minister’s Zoning Order to convert 57 acres of natural heritage lands, including provincially significant wetlands, into a 400-million square foot warehouse in Durham.

“Ontario has already lost 75% of its original wetlands and the Minister must reject this reckless request to pave over the natural areas that prevent flooding,” said Schreiner.

The Town of Ajax and Toronto Region Conservation Authority are opposed to the plan because of the severe loss of environmental services, including water filtration, flood prevention and wildlife habitat.

“I support local municipalities and conservation experts who are putting resilience to climate change and water protection ahead of reckless development,” said Schreiner.

The proposal for Durham is the latest in a string of Ford’s short-sighted plans to sacrifice green space and farmland, most notably the GTA West Highway, which will destroy or partially destroy 75 wetlands and 2000 acres of prime farmland.

“Ford’s game plan for a COVID recovery runs right through the places we love. His only solution is to rip up environmental laws and give away our farmland and wetlands,” said Schreiner.

“We must build back smarter.”
