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Doug Ford’s attack on local elections is an attack on diversity
October 21, 2020

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement after the Ford government tabled a bill to ban ranked ballots in municipal elections:
QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement after the Ford government tabled a bill to ban ranked ballots in municipal elections:
“This is another gross abuse of power from a government that continuously undermines local democracy with snap decisions.
These overnight changes totally disrespect the rights of municipalities to improve democracy and encourage diversity on city council.
Once again Doug Ford is confusing the job of Premier with the job of mayor with this continuous vendetta.
The irony is that Ford himself was elected as PC leader using ranked ballots, the same system used to elect Canada’s first Black federal party leader, Annamie Paul.
This isn’t just an attack on local decision-making – it’s an attack on diversity.
The evidence points to more inclusive outcomes with the ranked ballot system.
London’s experience resulted in one of the most diverse city councils in Canadian history including councillors who are Black, young, and queer.
I’m disappointed that Ford is using the cover of COVID-19 to attack diversity and democracy.”