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Cecilia Stuart

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Ford should reverse bad decisions on electric vehicles

October 8, 2020

electric vehicles 'Made-in-Ontario', We are uniquely positioned to produce electric vehicles and create tens of thousands of good, green jobs

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement following the joint announcement in Oakville between the Premier and Prime Minister:

“I welcome this funding because Ontario has an opportunity to lead the EV revolution rather than being left behind.

I hope the Premier has finally seen the writing on the wall and will start attracting clean economy jobs rather than chasing them away.

We are uniquely positioned to produce electric vehicles from mining-to-manufacturing, and we should be making a plan for a Made-in-Ontario supply chain, which would create tens of thousands of good, green jobs.

But when the Premier came to power, he did everything he could to deter electric vehicles, from cancelling EV rebates to ripping chargers from GO stations.

These backwards decisions should be reversed to encourage more job creators to set up shop in Ontario and help drivers make the switch.

Most importantly, the province should install a network of EV chargers along the 400-series highways to remove the biggest barrier to EV growth.”

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