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Ford refuses to keep students safe
September 22, 2020

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement after COVID cases in schools jumped by 51:
“It is incredibly frustrating to watch the Premier sit idle and defend an unsafe back-to-school plan as case numbers mount.
This upward trend is likely the tip of the iceberg as many schools have only started to resume in-person learning this week.
The Premier contributed to this mess by holding back $6.7 billion in COVID-19 funding that could have been spent on smaller, safer class sizes and bus rides.
This half-baked plan was doomed from the outset because the Premier refused to listen to experts and ensure physical distancing in classrooms.
The only way to fix the situation is to unlock the funding needed to prevent crowded busses and classrooms.
If the Premier fails to act with a second wave staring him straight in the face, then he owns the consequences.”