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Cecilia Stuart

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Premier back to his penny pinching ways

September 10, 2020

Today’s FAO report leaves one big question unanswered. Why is the government holding up $6.7 billion in aid to struggling schools, individuals and businesses?

QUEEN’S PARK — Leader of the Green Party of Ontario and MPP Mike Schreiner issued the following statement about the billions of dollars the Ford Government has left unspent in the COVID-relief fight:

“Today’s FAO report leaves one big question unanswered. Why is this government that prides itself on ‘cutting red tape’ holding up $6.7 billion in aid to struggling schools, individuals and businesses?

The Premier says he will spare no expense, yet he is pinching pennies with our children’s safety on the line and at a time when many businesses, people and teachers are desperate for support.

With so many small businesses on the brink, so many renters and leaseholders facing eviction, what is stopping the Ford Government from getting these much needed relief funds out the door?

This FAO report leaves that question unanswered.

These are real and needed dollars that will be crucial to a safe return to school and to the survival of many businesses across the province needed for a strong recovery.

Premier, you’re saying that you’re “flowing it as quick as we can”. But I have to tell you, leaving out details on where the money is supposed to be heading, and why it’s taking so long, is not inspiring confidence in your government.”
