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Cecilia Stuart

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Feds show up to save Ontario’s failed back to school plan

August 26, 2020

Ottawa is coming to the Premier’s rescue because they had to. It was clear he wasn’t going to do it himself.

QUEEN’S PARK — Green Party of Ontario Leader and MPP Mike Schreiner released the following statement about the federal government bail out of the government’s failed back to school plan:

“With today’s announcement of $800 million from the Feds for the Premier to spend on education, our starvation diet of just over $300 million to return kids to class shows us how inadequate that sum has been all along.

Our children have always been worth more than he was willing to spend.

I call on the Premier to not just take this money, but to match it.

We need more teachers, better ventilation systems, alternative learning environments, upgraded take-home devices, safe school buses and PPE for all who work and learn in our schools.

And especially, we need smaller class sizes.

The Premier’s education plan has always been too little too late. He’s ignored advice and suggestions from teachers, doctors and parents.

Ottawa is coming to the Premier’s rescue because they had to. It was clear he wasn’t going to do it himself.”
