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Cecilia Stuart

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Running ads is actually the wrong thing to do

August 25, 2020

Instead of spending taxpayer money on ads... the Premier should be providing funding so that kids can physically distance in schools.

QUEEN’S PARK, ON — Leader of the Green Party of Ontario and MPP Mike Schreiner released the following statement on the Government’s recent advertising blitz:

“In an attempt to justify his Government’s back-to-school advertisement spree, the Premier suggests he believes communication to the public is key.

I would agree.

But what isn’t clear, is the communication itself.

Instead of spending taxpayer money telling the public that kids will be physically distanced in schools, the Premier should be spending taxpayer money providing funding to School Boards so that they will actually be able to implement physical distancing.

The RNAO has called for decreased class sizes to ensure physical distancing. The TDSB has called for funding to implement physical distancing. Sick Kids has made clear how important physical distancing is. Yet, the Premier refuses to “do whatever it takes” to keep our kids safe.

This government is notorious for wasting money on ad blitzes that promote their own agenda with no better example than their anti-carbon tax campaign.

The bottom line is, if the Premier is serious about providing comfort to parents, he should immediately redirect spending taxpayer money on vague ads and instead give it directly to School Boards who need it.”
