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Premier must deliver matching relief package for cities

July 16, 2020

Doug Ford needs to stop pretending that his only job is as a negotiator between cities and Ottawa.

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement after the Prime Minister announced a funding package for municipalities.

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement after the Prime Minister announced a funding package for municipalities.

“Doug Ford needs to stop pretending that his only job is as a negotiator between cities and Ottawa.

For months the Premier has passed the buck to the federal government, refusing to listen to municipalities and leaving them on the verge of massive cuts to transit, fire and ambulance, childcare and long-term care.

Ford’s blame game must stop, and the Premier must deliver a matching relief package for municipalities to keep their services afloat.

There is no economic recovery without strong, thriving cities. I reiterate my previous recommendations to provide urgent relief:

  • Double gas tax funding, a PC election promise that has yet to be delivered
  • Restore previous funding formulas for public health and childcare
  • Provide a $350 million operating grant to cover the additional operating costs of municipal-run long-term care homes
  • Increase emergency stabilization funding for shelters, food banks and other non-profits
  • Fund 50% of the operating costs of local transit services

Read the full list of recommendations
