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Cecilia Stuart

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Greens support gas plant phase-out; calls on NDP, Liberals to join pledge

July 16, 2020

Choosing renewables over natural gas will lower people’s energy bills while keeping our air healthy

QUEEN’S PARK – Green Party of Ontario leader Mike Schreiner is backing the call organized by the Ontario Clean Air Alliance and 29 organizations to phase out gas-fired power plants by 2030 in order to meet our climate obligations, and is calling on other opposition parties to do the same.

“For two years, Doug Ford has doubled down on costly, climate-wrecking fossil fuel projects while ripping up clean energy projects. We can build back better from COVID-19 with healthy, affordable electricity while refocusing on the climate crisis,” said Schreiner.

The purchase of 3 gas plants for $2.8 billion and the proposal for a new fracked gas pipeline are pulling Ontario further away from its climate targets and driving up emissions under Ford’s Made-to-Fail climate plan.

Schreiner unequivocally backs the clean, lower cost alternatives recommended by the Ontario Clean Air Alliance, which will build an electricity system Ontario can be proud of.

“The province must prioritize energy efficiency, Quebec waterpower and made-in-Ontario renewable power, all of which can be produced at a lower cost than natural gas electricity. Choosing renewables over natural gas will lower people’s energy bills while keeping our air healthy,” said Schreiner.

The Green leader called on other parties to join the campaign and pressure the Ford government to end its obsession with gas plants.

“Ontario’s three opposition parties should stand together and call out the Premier’s climate failure. I challenge the NDP and Liberals to join me in signing onto the natural gas phase-out pledge,” said Schreiner.

Read Mike Schreiner’s letter
