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Cecilia Stuart

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Courts overturn Ford’s unscientific decision

May 14, 2020

Ontario court overturned the cancellation of the Nation Rise Wind Farm

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement after an Ontario court overturned the cancellation of the Nation Rise Wind Farm:

“The government cancelled this project when the Premier was openly musing about tearing down every wind turbine in the province.

But political vendettas do not allow the Premier to supersede the rule of law.

I am glad the courts overturned the government’s impulsive and unscientific decision.

The Minister fudged the science to cancel a partially-built wind project set to deliver electricity at 7 cents per kWh, cheaper than the rates for natural gas, which the government is planning to ramp up.

Yesterday’s ruling determined that the Minister’s decision lacked transparency and intelligibility, proving that the government was acting based on ideology over evidence.

As we shift towards a post-COVID recovery, we need the Ford government to give up the irrational crusade against affordable and reliable clean energy.

Ontario should attract good jobs and businesses that will build a cleaner and more caring province rather than chase them away.”
