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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner statement on nuclear false alarm investigation

February 27, 2020

No room for error, with aerial view of Pickering nuclear station

“The system for alerting Ontarians to a nuclear situation must be foolproof.

It is very alarming that systemic flaws led to a 108-minute delay in correcting a false alarm, leaving people in the dark for nearly two hours.

Clearly there were significant gaps in protocol and procedures that must immediately be addressed to ensure this does not happen again.

It’s simply inexcusable that the staff tasked with such an important responsibility lacked adequate training on how to do their job.

I’m glad the Provincial Emergency Management Operations Centre is taking action to prevent another such incident, but this should not have happened in the first place.

As a densely populated region with heavy nuclear activity, people in the GTA need assurance that the emergency communications systems work.”
